Free shipping on orders over 60€ to Spanish peninsula. Due to high temperatures, we cannot ship wines to the US during the month of August.

Grenache day with flying colors

Building an Appetite for the GrenacheDay – INgarnatxa

Terroir wines with true character , a Grenache moment you won’t regret.

Feel tempted by the Grenache Grape.

#GrenacheDay, celebrate the grape, celebrate the wine.  A passion revived for this grape that has much to offer to winelovers around the globe. Join in the passion and the groovy group of Grenache Enthusiasts moved to revive this exciting and versatile grape that comes in many different expressions.

thegrenacheday2015International Grenache Day has finally arrived!
All those pre#GrenacheDay moments finally merge into one global toast.

The multitude of on going trade tastings….does leave us with a chance to toast tonight, at a special ‘soldout’ winemaker dinner, in Forssa, Finland. Cheers

kookki  logolovegrenache