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Observe, think, feel and act

Biodynamic at Parés Baltà

Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic agriculture.

Rudolf Steiner, Austrian polymath and the father of biodynamics, said that eating clean foods (those that are free from pesticides and herbicides) helps you to think more clearly, without tension, as well as providing you with a way to find resources and quick alternatives to overcome the obstacles of life.

On this basis, Steiner developed ecological strategies to add vital energy and balance to food produced by humans. In other words, he established the basis of biodynamic agriculture, a farming method which provides tools to give life to our crops in a natural way and helps them to achieve their own balance which helps plants to be more resistant to plagues and diseases.

Steiner wanted to take the equilibrium of the forest, where everything flows harmoniously without man’s intervention, to the practice of farming. He wanted to create micro ecosystems intertwined (integrated) with the environment, where the real protagonists are wild plants, animals, trees… given that all of them create vital two-way relationships to increase biodiversity and achieve a balance in a space where man only acts as the orchestra conductor of the farm, without altering the natural flow or forcing production.

To utilise biodynamics, Steiner devised a series of plant-based preparations that treat plants as well as various compounds which are dynamized with water before applying them to crops. This process of dynamization consists of first stirring well water vigorously, which transmits information about the energy of the plants to the water. Finally, this water is sprayed on the plants and soil to provide vitality and protection.

Before applying the method, it’s essential that the farmer is aware of all of the philosophy of biodynamic agriculture and anthroposophy, as well as the science that supports it, in order to integrate this knowledge both in the field as well as in life more generally. For me, it’s essential to first observe what you can apply, think about it in depth (study), feel like it’s your own and believe that you’re capable of doing it, and finally, act on it.

I think that biodynamics is not an objective, but rather the means to obtain a balanced product full of life, so that when someone drinks our wines, they can notice that there is feeling, emotions and sensitivity towards everything that surrounds the product. You shouldn’t focus on a material objective, you shouldn’t expect any specific result, but rather you should feel that it’s something good for your estate, for you, and above all, for the people who will consume your product.

At Parés Baltà, we have been farming organically since 1790, and biodynamically since 2012. Our vineyards, fields, forests and flock of sheep all have the international Demeter certification. We believe in this method and we apply it because the most important thing is the quality of the product.

Marta Casas, winemaker and sommelier