Free shipping on orders over 60€ to Spanish peninsula. Due to high temperatures, we cannot ship wines to the US during the month of August.

Cookies Policy

Through this Cookies Policy, PARES BALTA SLU (hereinafter PARES BALTA), as the editor and responsible of this website, informs you about what are computer cookies, which types of cookies are used, as well as its purpose on this website.

The acceptance of this policy implies that the user has been informed of the cookies and that PARES BALTA has the consent to use them in terms of the article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE).

1. Definition, what are Cookies?

Cookies are files downloaded to the user’s terminal when accessing a specific website. These files record the activity during the navigation and can be used by the responsible entity to collect information about user’s habits and preferences.

The information collected by cookies is anonymous and does not contain sensitive information. In no case can they damage the equipment, and its activation allows to identify and resolve navigability errors. Cookies are currently essential for the operation of the Internet, providing qualitative advantages and facilitating the navigation and usability of the websites.

In any case, the user may access the settings of the browser to modify the installation of unnecessary cookies, without preventing the access to the content.

2. Use and purpose of Cookies

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, this website uses information storage and retrieval devices to track the interactions of the users with the services offered.

This page may use cookies in order to:

  • Collect information to personalize the website according to the preferences of the user and therefore, improve his experience.
  • Identify problems and optimize navigation with information related to usage analysis.
3. What type of Cookies does this website use?

First of all, we can distinguish some basic and common characteristics between cookies according to its property:

  • Own Cookies. They are exclusively managed by the owner of the website.
  • Third party Cookies. They are managed by other companies. They are used to record user’s behavior and, subsequently, customize his Internet experience.

And according to the temporality:

  • Session Cookies. They are temporary cookies that remain in the browser file and authorize the website to keep track of user’s movements during the time they are browsing the page.
  • Permanent Cookies. They are stored on the hard disk and the website reads them each time the user makes a new visit. They have and expiration day after which they stop working.


They are essential cookies for the basic functions and operations of the website. These are in charge of numerous aspects such as controlling the identification and authentication of the user, providing the maximum security of the website by protecting it from hacks and malwares, identifying the browsing language or keeping products stored in the shopping carts. Its deactivation may hamper the correct operations of some web features.

riblangIt maintains the language chosen by the user for the entire browsing session of the page and future accesses.Own
WordPress SessionIdentify users and maintain the connection of the WebsiteOwn
woocommerce_cart_hashStores information about the shopping cart and its itemsThird parties
woocommerce_items_in_cartStores information about the shopping cart and its itemsThird parties
Save a unique code for each client to obtain the information of their shopping cartThird parties


These cookies collect information on the browsing behavior and interaction of the users, so that they help to analyze and understand how they use the website. Therefore, it is possible to count the number of visitors, if they are new or they are returning visitors or to know the most visited content. This help PARES BALTA to understand how well the page works or if it requires any kind of improvement.

The application used is Google Analytics and uses the following cookies:

_gaCollect visit informationGoogle
_guidCollect visit informationGoogle
_gatLimit the percentage of requestsGoogle


The site uses add-on cookies to exchange content with its own social networks. So, the website has buttons that address the user to the different social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). The access and navigation in them may involve the installation of third-party cookies that will not be under control nor management of PARES BALTA. For further information related to these cookies, we suggest the user review their cookies policies:

4. How to manage the configuration of Cookies?

In accordance with the Royal Decree Law 13/2012, the user has the possibility to configure the options of his browser in order to allow, block or eliminate cookies.

Below it can be found some links with information on how the user can activate the preferences in the main browsers:

Firefox configuration
Google Chrome configuration
Internet Explorer configuration
Safari configuration
Opera configuration

To configure other browsers such as Konqueror, Arora, Floc, etc, check their browser support options.

On the other hand, there is also the possibility of limiting the use of third-party cookies. To configure it, you can go to Your Online Choices where it can be found useful information depending on the provider.

To browse the website, it is not necessary the installation of cookies. However, in the event that the user modifies or disables them, it is possible that it may affect the correct operation of certain services of the page. If the user still decides to change the configuration, it is possible to modify these parameters at any time.